Tricycle Balance Bike
Infant trike guided trike training trike and balance bike.
Tricycle balance bike. We make the bicycle for kids. And a kid s trike explorer trike 2in1 which offers training trike and balance bike. The balance bike is a two wheeled pedal less bike that children push along on their feet. Has your child outgrown their tricycle battery powered car or push bike.
A baby push trike that adapts more than the norm. Relieve that cabin fever and get the kids outdoors. Check out thumpstar s new electric balance bikes. Our balance bikes grow with your child from the age of 2 years as they get taller preparing them for real cycling by helping establish balance and confidence on two wheels completely skipping the training wheels.
A toddler tricycle explorer trike 3in1 which has guided trike training trike and balance bike stages. Why tricycles and training wheels may not be the best idea. First step is you. Tricycles could be viewed as a short term solution to a long term problem.
Are they still too small for a bicycle or 50cc dirtbike. You re taking him to visit granny or to the zoo though that s often the. Benefits of a kids balance bike. To ride a bike you have to get your balance right.
You can ride your bike without having to pedal it but you cannot ride without proper balance. We ve launched a baby tricycle with push handle explorer trike 4in1 which offers 4 stages. Patented wheel mechanism easily allows you to turn the toddler trike into a kids balance bike without the need of any tools for a fast and simple product transformation. You re handing him a snack as needed.
Instead of pedaling balance bikes emphasize the gross motor skills of balance and steering. Children learn to balance on two wheels and push along from as young as 18 months old. Well before either a trike or a balance bike your toddler needs to come along with you often in a kid seat on your bike so he knows what it s like to feel the wind in his hair and on his face. Balance bikes play a complimentary role in preparing kids for independent 2 wheel riding.
This is what started the whole debate if a balance bike or tricycle is the way to go. By removing the pedals from a classic bike frame balance bikes keep feet in contact with the ground and provide a sense of security for little ones. Your child can start using a balance bike as early as 18 months old. Plus children who start learning on a balance bike often skip tricycles and training wheels and hop right on a pedal bike when they re big enough.
How it feels to be propelled on a bumpy street or road. The balance bike focuses on balancing not pedalling. Free shipping to the continental u s. Designed for little ones our balance bike for toddlers are both fun and safe.
The smallest training wheel bikes are usually still too big at this.